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Rhode Island School of Design 

2018 BFA in Photography 

Professional Experience 


Director of Operations apexart 


Founder and Director Chronically Online Gallery 


2017 Paul Krott Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Photography 

2022 ACP Diversity Portfolio Review Recipient 

2023 The James Bernard Haggarty
Scholarship of Service and Commitment 

Selected Publications

(Upcoming) Opulent Mobility by Laura Brody

Glitching Towards Transhumanity, Mister Magazine

"I do believe my experience with chronic illness and disability deeply impacts my ability to create digital worlds. All of my current work is built around the complicated and often ironic interactions that people with disabilities and chronic illness have with technology. The work explores and critiques the “inherent” cyborgian nature of disabled people that Donna Haraway proposed: the idea that we are more blurred with machine than an able-bodied person.


I find that my interactions with technology are often complicated: community building vs. doom scrolling and FOMO on Instagram, or my doctor’s office upgrading their medical system to obtain both medical files and bills lost to frequent moves and time. 


This tension infused with a healthy amount of humor is key to every piece I create."

In The Company of the Obsolete THE MUSEUM OF AMERICANA

Augmented Bodies :// Functional Diversity in Cyberspace with RICE magazine

Pill, Ow (collecttion of artworks inspired by daily pill color schemes) by Rora Blue

Digital Death and Drag, Body of Work Podcast 

r/disability are you just waiting to die? Zine published through SoMad Gallery


Selected Lectures / Talks 

Photography and the Un/Body with Ash Hagerstrand and Frances Bukovsky, Kinship Photography Collective 

Selected Shows

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(Upcoming) August 2024, Machine Yearning, Solo Show, MintATL, Atlanta, GA

April 2024, Newborn,  A Space Gallery, Brooklyn, New York

March 2024, METAPHYSICAL ARTIFACTSCurated by Sarah C. Blanchette and Sonia Litynskyj,  Feminist Art Museum, Online

February 2024, AmethystCurated by Aleatha Lindsay,  Ikouii Creative, Online

January 2024, Opulent MobilityCurated by A. Laura Brody and Anthony Tusler,  Los Angeles Makery, Los Angeles, CA

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December 2023, Tangential SplintersCurated by Rose Nestler and NYC Crit Club,  Ortega y Gasset, Brooklyn NY 

November 2023 Item Number, Curated by Rajiv Menon, Collaboration with Sanié Bokhari, Rajiv Menon Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA

June 2023 Pop-up, Curated by Kaira Ray Villanueva,  New Jersey City, NJ

June 2023 Plague Wear Gala, Curated by Laura Brody,  Virtual

June 2023 Mad Pride, soMAD,  Manhattan, NY

June 2023 Embodied Knowledge, curated by nico wheadon,  New Haven CT

March 2023 FUCK the system, Space)in(Between Gallery, Online

Feb. 2023 PAROXYSM, curated by Alison Pirie, Westbeth Gallery, Manhattan NY

Feb. 2023 Safe Word, curated by Otherworldly Arts Collective, Squirrel Haus ArtsMinneapolis, MN

Jan. 2023 Fragments, curated by David Olivant, Strata GallerySanta Fe, NM

Oct. 2022 Opulent Mobility, curated by Laura Brody, AV CollegeLancaster, CA

Sept. 2022 Smart Objects/Flattened Images, curated by Kelda Van Patten, Well Well ProjectsPortland, OR

Sept. 2022 Pinky Promise, curated by Jamie Owens, Gamut GalleryMinneapolis, MN 

Sept. 2022 Body, Embodiment, and Digital Self, curated by iddr: and interact, EVAC GalleryManhattan, NY 

Sept. 2022 Body Talk, curated by Matt Storm, Target GalleryAlexandria, VA 

June 2022 Un(Fixed), curated by Jay Elizondo and Lorenzo Triburgo, SoMADManhattan, NY 

April 2022 2:3, Wet Dove TailOnline

March 2022 Shaped by Our Roots, Co Arts GalleryProvidence, RI and accompanying publication

March 2022 Hope, Capital Culture HouseOnline

Jan. 2022, Midsumma Festival, Melbourne, Australia

Dec. 2021 Honey Dolls, Cryptic Gallery, Poughkeepsie, NY 

2021 Ubiquity and Fluidity, Holy Art, London, England

2020 Go! Figure, SAA Collective Gallery, pringfield, IL

2020 Clearly Human, Saint Louis Artists Guild, Saint Louis, MO

2020 Horror Vacui, Darkside Collective, Online

2020 Art St. Louis XXXVI, Art St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO

2020 Summer Exhibition (Congruence), I Like Your Work Podcast, Online 

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copyright Ash Hagerstrand 2024

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